cover image Proxy Mom: My Experience with Postpartum Depression

Proxy Mom: My Experience with Postpartum Depression

Sophie Adriansen and Mathou, trans. from the French by Montana Kane. NBM, $19.99 trade paper (152p) ISBN 978-1-68112-334-9

In this gentle and accessible portrayal of a mental health crisis, Adriansen (Nina Simone in Comics) and Mathou draw on their experiences as mothers to tell the fictionalized story of Marietta, who becomes clinically depressed during the final trimester of her pregnancy. Though she’s eager to have a baby with her partner Chuck, Marietta finds pregnancy a cycle of “patience and pain.” After giving birth, she struggles to bond with baby Zoe, has trouble breastfeeding, and descends into despondency, anxiety, and loneliness. “I can’t be present for both her and me,” she thinks. “That’s asking too much.” Chuck, who has two children from a previous relationship, is a skilled and supportive parent, leading Marietta to reflect that he has more maternal instinct than she does. She fantasizes about having a cheerful, flawless “proxy mom” to take over for her. Gradually, she develops a connection with her daughter and begins to feel more confident in her parenting. The brightly colored, gently rounded cartoon artwork, full of well-observed drawings of infant care, provides an upbeat counterbalance to Marietta’s dark nights of the soul. New parents who need to hear that they aren’t alone will find reassurance in this candid tale. (June)